Nephthys 2020
Nephthys 2020 35 x 50 cm, Oil on canvas
Nephthys 2020 35 x 50 cm, Oil on canvas
The Zodiac 2020 90 x 105 cm, Oil on canvas
Egyptain women 2020 100 x 150 cm, Oil on canvas
Angels of Mercy 2020 Acrylic on Canvas 50 x 65 cm
Fluccas 2020 100 x100 cm , Acrylic on canvas
Louts Flower 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper
Marching women 2 - 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper
Marching woman 1 - 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper
The Blue horse 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper
Camels riders 2020 50 x70 cm, Acrylic on paper
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